
Showing posts from November, 2010

Visual Basic Online Course Make Sure All TextBoxes Empty

Visual Basic Online Course Make sure all Text boxes are clear first Say ......... you have 10 TextBoxes and 10 ComboBoxes on a form and you are taking their contents into a database tables, i guess you have to make sure that all the TextBoxes and the ComboBoxes are Not Empty ... SO you can do something like This .... OR, You may use something Like this :- I will try here to tell the VB project that (TxtBx) represents all the TextBoxes Controls on a form (Form1) and (Cbos) represents all the ComboBoxes on the same form .... so the senario may be : Hey, Form1 .... Be aware that (TxtBx) represents all my textboxes on You, and (Cbos) represents all my ComboBoexes On you, so whenever you find one Empty Just Give me a MsgBox and (Exit) the sub . OK? But If not , continue Updating my database tables .... are we clear, form1 ?? How could we just Code These Lines of Scenario ....... Here we go : Good Luck _______ --- Have Fun --- ♥ Visual Basic 6.0...

Visual Basic Online Course Clear All TextBox controls

Visual Basic Online Course vb6 clear all textbox Text controls on a form TextBoxes  are just like any other Objects on a form, could be cleared or we can say " Make it empty " . S o if we have : Textbox1 and Textbox2 and Textbox3 on a vb6 form and we have a button called "CmdNew" and its function is to clear all the writings in all of the 3 TextBoxes .... we can do something like that :- Or ......... Now ........ What if we have ComboBoxes too ? Or ......... What if we have various objects that we wanna set thier values to anything .... ?? - if you understood the previous example i think you already knew the answer .... Good Luck Evry1falls Visual Basic 6.0 Lessons, Tricks, Tutorials and help links : - Automate MS-Access Database in Visual Basic 6.0 though a net work - Visual Basic 6.0 Analog Clock - Vi sual Basic 6.0 Temperature Convertor - Visual Basic 6.0 , MS-Access 2003 and Crystal Reports - Phone book...